Welcome to the Earwig Information Blog

Thanks for visiting my earwig information blog. This blog is intended to bring you the best information on earwigs and could even help save your life. There are many misconceptions about  the common house earwig found in the United State and we will help clarify all of the information.

Earwigs are abundant and can be found throughout the Americas and Eurasia. The common earwig was introduced into North America in 1907 from Europe, but tends to be more common in the southern and southwestern states.[6]:739 The only native species of earwig found in the north is the spine-tailed earwig (Doru aculeatum),[7]:144 found as far north as Canada, where it hides in the leaf axils of emerging plants in southern Ontario wetlands. However, other families can be found in North America, including Forficulidae (Doru and Forficula being found there), Labiidae,Anisolabididae, and Labiduridae.[8]Wikipedia.org

Unfortunate victim of a feeding earwig

Earwigs are harmful and poisonous, they might sting, which feels like a small pinch, but is actually an attempt to feed. Shown above is a victim of such an attack. Bites from a feeding earwig are often small unless delivered by the male of the species.

Male Earwig

The male earwig  is much larger than the female earwig and is also known for being aquatic. As the earwig hatches and changes from larval form into the adult form the male species will seek out a source of water to continue its development and also allowing it to feed upon much larger prey such as otter, beaver, seal, and even the occasional human swimmer. Many bites received by swimmers while in natural water bodies are often falsely attributed to turtles, large predatory fish such as northern pike, muskellunge, shark, or barracuda; that are actually the result of an attack by a male earwig. Their carapace is very smooth and they camouflage themselves at most times in a better attempt to catch prey. 

Only some species of earwigs possess wings and are able to fly, so in order to move long distances they will infect a bird's brain to travel to visit friends or family for the holidays.

In the video clip shown above we can see an advanced version of earwig/bird infestation control during their spring migration event. This phenomenon is referred to by scientists as the Spring Ballet as not only do the birds appear to "dance in rhythm" , but it is also reported that their brains are manipulated in such a way that they actually create a song that follows the motion of the flocking birds.  Every year thousands of birds are taken over by their earwig masters and used to travel back to the motherland(this is believed to be the ancestral point of origination of the individual species of earwigs). After the festivities end they will return to their places of birth to continue their daily lives. 

During the winter months an earwig family must remain 6-7 feet underground in order to survive. It is recommended that if you keep them as pets to find an underground home for your pet earwig in the winter such as a warm basement.

Earwig in a bathroom drain

One interesting facts about about an earwig is even though it is very dangerous and sometimes deadly it is also exceedingly polite. When an earwig is inside of a home or other building and it has to urinate or defecate it will attempt to locate a drain or toilet and if none is available it will simply wait until it can make its way outside to release its waste. Captive earwigs have been known to die from holding in their waste for an extended period of time. Yes that's right folks they are house-trained!

Ear Wig Entering Human Host through belly button opening.

Earwigs are carnivores that are known as opportunistic feeders. They aren't picky about what flesh they eat as long as it is fresh. While they will enjoy a pinch of skin in pinch, they prefer the flesh found in the inner ear or brains of mammals. Some scientific studies have found that they will also feed upon reptile or amphibian hosts as well, but they are most likely to be eaten while trying to ambush this type of prey so they prefer to dine on mammals.

I hope this information was helpful and our next update will include tips on repelling earwig invasions as well as a story about a small religious sect that worships the earwig, Cult of EW.


  1. I am an earwig. I have infected the brain of my host human who is typing this message for me. Earwigs also like arithmetic. In particular pythagoras theorem and string theory.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. You are funny Bob the earwig, once YOU bit my finger when I put on kitchen gloves...you were inside and YOU got stuck in my finger, it hurt like hell. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT MEMORY!!

  2. Show video of earwig entering human bellybuttons

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